Homeseer changelog #36
@HomeSeer, what's new this week?
Homeseer changelog #35
What’s new this week in the land of Homeseer #35
Enable remote plugins on your HomeSeer Zee
Enable remote plugins on your HomeSeer Zee or HS3-Pi
Homeseer changelog #34
What's new this week in the land of Homeseer #34
Homeseer changelog #33
What's new this week in the land of Homeseer #33
Homeseer changelog #32
Weekly overview of the latest updates in the land of Homeseer #32
Homeseer changelog #31
Weekly overview of the latest updates in the land of Homeseer #31
Homeseer changelog #30
Weekly overview of the latest updates in the land of Homeseer #30
HS3-Pi hands-on (part 2)
The road to having remote (plugin) connections enabled on the HS3-Pi
Homeseer changelog #29
Weekly overview of the latest updates in Homeseer land #29
HS3-Pi hands-on (part 1)
Get HomeSeer HS3-Pi installed on your Raspberry Pi
Homeseer changelog #28
Weekly overview of the latest updates in Homeseer land #28
HomeSeer releases HS3-Pi, giving the Pi some HS3 sugar.
Homeseer changelog #27
Weekly overview of the latest updates in Homeseer land #27
Homeseer changelog #26
Weekly overview of the latest updates in Homeseer land #26
Homeseer changelog #25
A weekly overview of the latest updates in Homeseer land.
HomeSeer Communication Framework
Want to know more about the HS Communication Framework ?
HS3, a second peek
HS3, the (beta) linux binaries are released, so I immediately fiddled with it on my mac
HS3 – a peek around the corner
A peek around the corner of HS3 (beta) release status
Are we there yet?
Quick post before end-of-year activities :-). Here’s what’s new in the HS3 universe.
Bring on the Fall!
Get back to school, get back to work… summertime is over! Here’s a short HS3 rumour round-up.
Homeseer plugin developers gather!
Homeseer 3 changes for plugin developers
Awaiting HS3 goodies
The first Homeseer 3 gossip in 2012!
Continuing the HS3 gossip…
Read what's new in HS3...
Duwi z-wave window blind Insert
A while back I've encountered some issues customizing the Duwi blind control. I've taken some notes and decided to share with the rest of the world.
HomeSeer 3 gossips and appetizers
Will there be a first version of HomeSeer 3 available soon? A summary of (official) statements and other HS3 gossip.
Groovy scripting in HomeSeer (part 1)
Feel the need to explore the bounderies of HomeSeer scripting? Try to connect to HomeSeer with Groovy, an agile dynamic language for the Java Platform.
Everspring AN158 powermeter facts
Introduction to the Everspring AN158 device and its power metering features
HomeSeer Client 100% Java
HomeSeer Client written in 100% java code: no .NET, DLL, Active X or mono components
HomeSeer devices on Android
Creating my own replacement of HSTouch or DroidSeer on Android
Python scripts in HomeSeer
Simple steps describing how to get python scripts running in HomeSeer
CM15A USB / Homeseer
An overview of what is needed to get the CM15A X10 USB to work with HomeSeer
Installation HomeSeer plugin for EventGhost
Describing how to install the EventGhost plugin to interface with HomeSeer
Source Homeseer plugin for EventGhost
A HomeSeer plugin for EventGhost
HomeSeerToy in C#
Some tips and tricks to connect from a C# application to HomeSeer